Sunday 28 October 2012

10 Days to Halloween - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - 28th October 2012

Welcome back to '10 Days of Halloween', today we are going to look at A Nightmare on Elm Street.

This film is one of the greatest slasher films of all time. Also, we are going to talk about the original not the 2012 reboot/remake. This film is great for one reason, Freddy Krueger.

Kruegar is possibly one of the greatest villains of all time. I mean he invades your dreams and effectively murders you in your dreams, that he creates, out of your greatest fears... with his gloved hand of doom!

Anyways, Robert Englund is great in his role as Freddy. He is devious, murderous and even charming all at the same time. The film revolves around a group of teenagers that live on Elm Street. Who would have thought? Anyways, these teenagers start dying off, one by one, in gruesome ways while they sleep.

 It turns out that Freddy was created by their parents. (I say created but I'll just leave you to watch the film to find out what happened.) Anyway, Freddy is pissed off at the parents for what they did. So he hunts down and kills each of their children while they sleep.

The atmosphere in this film is great. It goes from a chilling feeling of despair to some absoloutley hilarious moments.

This filmed spawned 6 sequels and has become a cult phenomenon. I'm not going to talk more on this film and I've probably already spoiled way more than I would have liked so just go watch the damn thing!

That's it for today folks. Come back tomorrow and I'll have something new for you.

                                                    All photos and video belong to New Line Cinema/Warner Bros

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