Wednesday 31 October 2012

10 Days to Halloween - Halloween (2007) - October 31st 2012

Well, today's the day. Halloween is finally here and I thought I would post the most unoriginal post that I could on Halloween. However, I'm not talking about the original version of Halloween, I'm going to talk about Rob Zombie's 2007 remake. Titled Halloween... confused yet? You should be.

Rob Zombie's version looks more into the history and life of Michael Myers before he becomes the rampaging, William Shatner mask wearing psycho that he is known for. And yes, that is a William Shatner mask, it's not fully finished because it's just a white cast of his face with hair.

Now, let's talk a bit on the film. Rob Zombie does a great homage to the original with this film. It's not seen as good a film as the original, but it is still a good film in it's own right.

The film has a very chilling and gruesome atmosphere, with great shots of Myers' masked face. The gore is just overwhelming in this film. One minute Myers is being talked down to, if that were possible, by a bar hooligan, and the next he is smashing his head into tiny pieces on the floor.

The story has a strange quality to it. Young Myers is a very interesting character in his own right, he actually speaks in this part of the film. It's a very interesting look into the masked murderer's mind.

I know you guys will hate me for this because I am ruining the film slightly in this post, but the film has a whole lot more going for it.

Rob Zombie has down a stellar job in remaking this film and I know that you will either hate it, because you compared it to the original, or that you will love it.

That's it for the countdown guys, I'm going to keep posting about three times a week so check back for more posts.

                                                                       All photos and video belong to Dimension Films

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