Silent Hill Revelations carries on from the ending of the first film. Sharon, who know goes by the moniker of Heather Mason (a throwback to the game series), starts to have dreams of Silent Hill again.
This leads to some freaky stuff happening in her new town (which is never named) and 'the other world' or 'the darkness' starts to meld the two realities together and causes Heather to start to worry about her father.
When she gets home she discovers that her father has gone missing and there is a message left on the wall that simply says 'Come to Silent Hill'. Oh, before this a new character is introduced, another new student named Vincent who become Sharon's friend quite quickly. I wont ruin any more of the plot now so let's talk a bit about the relationship with the game series.
This film is very loosely based off of Silent Hill 3. Heather Mason looks exactly like Heather Graham, the protagonist of Silent Hill 3, and many of the locales are the same, like the amusement park and the asylum.
The film brings back many of the camera shots from the original film that were ripped directly from the video game. This still gives the film an eerie quality but is also a very nice addition for fans of the games.
Nothing else is really bought from the film apart from the new name that Heather's father takes. That being Harry Mason, the name of the protagonist from Silent Hill 2.
Now, apart from talking about the plot and relationship to the games, we shall talk about the acting. The acting of the two main characters, Heather and Vincent, is incredibly wooden and stilted in the most basic of scenes. However, when the monsters arrive, the acting becomes very intense and very very good.
One more point on the plot is the "tremendous" fight scene at the end of the film between fan favorite Pyramid Head and the new monster strange-blades-for-hands-and-blades-coming-out-of-face woman.
This fight is incredibly bad. Unless the director was going for a slow lumbering fight where not much happens, then this fight is not a good one.
Also, one more interesting point is the names that have been given to several things within the film. The cult of whatever-the-hell-they-were-called have such a strange name that I couldn't even remember it, and a 'key' called the Seal of Megatron... um Medatram even, is just strange.
As a film itself, it is very well executed and well thought out, but unfortunately the acting lets the film down. I think that this film series is probably one of the best in terms of creating a film from a video game. Usually films like this are not very good, just see Max Payne or the Super Mario Brothers film.
To conclude, this film is a good thing for this genre and should be watched... like now. Seriously, stop reading this and go and watch it... in 3D... because a guy get's his fingers cut off and they hit the screen... so go watch it. NOW!
Anyway guys, that's it for this review. Check back next week for more.
All content belongs to Konami and affiliates who created the movie.
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